☒Water hanging baskets.
Schedule appt w psychiatrist.
Schedule hair cut.
Diarize psychologist appt, lunch date, coffee date, partner's events, gas company appt.
Diarize reminder to get blood test done.
Diarize appts 17 24 31 7 14 1:30-3:00.
☒☒Eat breakfast/lunch.
Start a symptom tracker.
Have more discipline about excess phone use so that you can keep using your phone for its camera...
Meditate. Some day.
Exercise. Some day also, soon.
☒Eat some of those peaches.
☒Lol at this ridiculous to do list. Curse.
Seriously get it together.
☒☒Empty the DW.
☒Load the DW.
Gift for Tim.
Pay bills.
☒Reply to Lee.
Water plants.
Plant unplanted plants.
Clean camping gear.
Repack camping gear.
Put away camping gear.
Declutter DR table.
☒Wash laundry.
Fold "
Put away "
Camp buddy request.
Check if skates fit.
Buy exfoliant.
Make & print day-planning form.
Start using a calendar again...
☒-- Buy a real calendar?
-- Update & print dig calendar?
Fill out the write-on calendar.
Find & hang new family calendar I bought.
Declutter the office so I can use it!
Declutter the kitchen counter.
Declutter the entry way.
Wash snow suits, gloves, etc.
Organize B's school work.
Organize for next school year...
Build a pull out broom cabinet, fridge-top cookbook shelf, & bulletin board.
Suspend gym membership. Or go.
Declutter our bedroom.
Plan storage furniture for B's room.
Finish removing sod.
☒Weed, weed, weed...
Measure & order blinds (kitchen, DR, BR, GR, RR).
Call college re program.
Work on career planning.
Book hotel for long weekend.
Book xmas travel.
Clean basement toilet.
Clean basement bathroom.
Clean upstairs bathroom.
Wash floors.
Plan groceries.
Buy groceries.
Pay bills.
Convert this to a prioritized, sortable, Word document...
(To be continued.)Measure & order blinds (kitchen, DR, BR, GR, RR).
Call college re program.
Work on career planning.
Book hotel for long weekend.
Book xmas travel.
Clean basement toilet.
Clean basement bathroom.
Clean upstairs bathroom.
Wash floors.
Plan groceries.
Buy groceries.
Pay bills.
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